Wazo Platform: Documentation community feedback

I think the Wazo team has tried hard to meet the needs of developers who will be devoting serious time to working with Wazo and customizing a solution for paying client. Your focus has been on the API documentation.

For that, I applaud you.

I understand there is less effort to document the more basic system using a WebUI but I would encourage you to think about that.

I posted a step-by-step manual at

for Wazo 20.17 installation

I received thanks from a number of folks.

It includes documentation on creating a blacklist on Wazo, controlled by the phone keypad, something requested by the poster above.

I beleive you would garner a large community of amateur developers who could spread the word about your great system if you made it easier (better documented) for the amateurs to get going with it.

I realize the risk of inviting people who will not RTFM and insist on just posting questions to a forum about things they have not even tried to solve themselves, but you can manage that risk by deciding what posts you respond to. And, with a larger community, there will likely be more community members who can answer the basic questions.

A side benefit of having a broader community is that you have more diverse quality testing. Sometimes (knowledgable) developers share a pattern of how they do things and that gets certain bug discovered. But amateurs just plow in and do things that may not be expected, discovering bugs that were hard to predict since the actions were hard to imagine. Diversity is good! :slight_smile:

Your business. Your call. My thoughts.