Lack of begginer's guide


First of all I want to thank everyone for this amazing software. I have gone through the documentation, API documentation and github repos and I have to say this is pretty inconsistent and confusing for a begginer.

I consider myself a begginer and I’ve been using 3CX/FreePBX/Issabel and others for the past decade. I know how to troubleshoot asterisk and setup basic functions. That said, this is my first try on a multi-tenant VoIP software and I know nothing about Kamailio.

So, you have 3 ways of configuring things in Wazo:

  • Using the config files
  • Using the API
  • Using the Web UI

Not everything is available in all 3 and some things, at least according to the documentation, require tinkering at least with the first 2, although most things can be done through the API alone. The Web UI though is very little mentioned, maintained and supported. I suspect it has to do with Wazo having a similar paid product and it’s totally understandable.

It is not clear though what’s the process of creating a tenant, adding extensions, trunks, routes, ring groups etc and linking them all together. Something in most PBX systems (some mentioned above) is quite abvious, but in Wazo you have to figure out users, permissions, templates etc.

All community guides focus on their own particular setup, e.g. I found a 200 pages pdf that’s supposed to be a wazo setup guide and almost all of it is about how to setup linux, proxmox, SuiteCRM, an email server and how to tweak dial plans for particular providers and provisioning templates for his particular devices…

Lastly, the javascript sdk lacks a lot of functionality and is focused on building soft-phones rather than setting up endpoints/trunks etc ?!

Am I missing something here? Is it because I don’t speak French and there’s actually a guide written in French? Is this project purposely badly documented?

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Hello @rallisf1,

Sorry for the delay, you right our documentation is clearly not the best and we need to improve it. We are working to find solution but every feedback and contributions for help the project are welcome!

About the SDK you right, it’s more focus around creating real time application like softphone.

Please join the Mattermost channel for your questions, and if you have time your contribution is welcome.


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It is likely more than you want, but I created a beginner’s guide which is stored at

I host wazo as a virtual machine virtualized with Proxmox VE, so the guide linked to above is a full instruction from bare-bones metal to working wazo as a virtual host, including instructions on installing and configuring Proxmox.

It also includes instructions on installing a CRM (SuiteCRM) and Desktop linux (Linux Mint) as Virtual machines on the same platform

If you just want wazo on bare-metal, just read the installing wazo part.

I have an updated version as a word doc if you are interested. It has updates for PJSIP and for WazoAPIs, I cannot post word docs so PM me if you want it and give me your email to which I can send it.