Objective: make a Cloud FreePBX (multi-tenant) or light Aircall
Tried OpenPhone with Twilio
Lots of bugs at the time
One nice thing about them: Inboxes per DID for one user
Issabel is a near fit for the need, but not exactly
Currently trying Wazo
Experience from Milad with Wazo Platform:
Pretty easy to install technically
Then “What should I do to have calls?”
How do I get Wazo Platform to make some calls?
Wazo has everything for telcos AND for developers
But developers don’t know telephony and telco don’t know developer APIs
Need better doc oriented to those two attendance
API documentation is very wrong, lots of examples that are different from real calls
Documentation is not reliable, which slows down development, need to try everything
API is too atomic: need too many requests to make something
documentation is also wrong, not updated when code changes
See a simple version, but don’t know really what’s the difference with the other pieces of code
WebRTC demo is not working
Wazo is much harder to understand than Twilio from the developer point of view
Wazo API gives NO clue about what API should be called together
Doc for writing a new plugin for Wazo Platform is too scattered
How to make a blacklist plugin in Wazo?
How to make something that will replace Twilio?
Twilio is easy to use in North America, but less known on other continents, so Wazo has an easier time reaching there
Search button on the Wazo Platform website is not intuitive
What’s the difference between APIs /calls and /applications ?
When looking at the website, we can’t see an overview of what Wazo can do.
Tutorial for basic setup
Devs already know the Twilio docs so Twilio-like docs would be great
Move search of the documentation website elsewhere (closer to content)
Write interviews for Wazo developers
Offer a support package for the community
Milad will share interview-like questions directed to people knowing Wazo Platform well in order to spread the knowledge about Wazo Platform internal processes and API. The objective is to have material to write use-cases for the Wazo Platform documentation.
Other feedbacks
Any other feedback about the Wazo Platform documentation is welcome!
If you’d like to contribute to the documentation, you can open a pull request on Github!
I think the Wazo team has tried hard to meet the needs of developers who will be devoting serious time to working with Wazo and customizing a solution for paying client. Your focus has been on the API documentation.
For that, I applaud you.
I understand there is less effort to document the more basic system using a WebUI but I would encourage you to think about that.
I posted a step-by-step manual at
for Wazo 20.17 installation
I received thanks from a number of folks.
It includes documentation on creating a blacklist on Wazo, controlled by the phone keypad, something requested by the poster above.
I beleive you would garner a large community of amateur developers who could spread the word about your great system if you made it easier (better documented) for the amateurs to get going with it.
I realize the risk of inviting people who will not RTFM and insist on just posting questions to a forum about things they have not even tried to solve themselves, but you can manage that risk by deciding what posts you respond to. And, with a larger community, there will likely be more community members who can answer the basic questions.
A side benefit of having a broader community is that you have more diverse quality testing. Sometimes (knowledgable) developers share a pattern of how they do things and that gets certain bug discovered. But amateurs just plow in and do things that may not be expected, discovering bugs that were hard to predict since the actions were hard to imagine. Diversity is good!
But developers don’t know telephony and telco don’t know developer APIs
Could be nice to have two «training programs» (aka some basic tutorials based on real world examples).
1 training program for devs who want to integrate telecom features in their software / solution
1 training program for devs and telco to explain how to use wazo-platform API and their particularities
Improve homepage content and links to help newcomer to discovers the platform easily. (An exercice to do, clear our brain, go to homepage, try to learn wazo-platform like a newcomer)
I’m more than happy to provide you with my updated feedback after working on Wazo for over a year now.
We can have a meeting with other community members and chat about it.
1- When a tenant gets deleted everything belongs to that tenant should be deleted too. Such as trunks, users, etc.
2- It would be super useful to have an active/deactive switch for tenants, For example:
Unpaid bills → tenant and all its service should gets deactivated,
When Paid → tenant and all its service should will become active.