Wazo-ui connexion impossible

Je viens de faire une fraiche install via une debian 10 netinstall + le script d’install. jusque la tout va bien.

J’ai rajouté le paquet wazo-ui mais impossible de se loguer en root.
Y’a t il une ruse?

la commande postgres de reset ne fonctionne pas : sudo -u postgres psql -c “update “user” set passwd = ‘nouvmotdepasse’ where login = ‘root’” asterisk
j’ai une erreur sur “user”.

Avez vous une solution ou une doc pour un débutant wazo?

Bien à vous

Si vous comprenez l’anglais, c’est parfait. Sinon, veuillez utiliser translate.google.com pour cette réponse. C’est ce que j’ai fait pour lire vos questions.

I too am a beginner and am trying to put together a “how to manual” on how to install a simple Wazo system for home-office use. Slow grind, but getting there.

One thing I did learn was that BEFORE you run the installer, if you want to be able to set the root password, you have to edit the file at
and add the following two lines (replace the {} brackets and contents)
engine_api_configure_wizard = true
engine_api_root_password = {what-you-want-as-wazo-root-password}

If you did not do this, I do not know how to go back and do it after-the-fact.


Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me and have a great year at the same time.

Ouch … I didn’t use ansible for the installation because it didn’t work with LXC containers via Proxmox.
This is why I went through the installation script:

So I will try to resume the official tutorial which is understandable for me because it induces the fact of knowing “Ansible” before are installed, but hey, I will put.

So here we go again for an installation via this link …

in this manual, it would have been interesting to modify point 5 to make the file more explicit, but hey, I may be upset that I didn’t get there the first time: D.

Anyway, I can’t wait to see your tutorial and good luck with this creation.

I think I will come back with questions about the configuration of WAZO and OVH.

en français:
Aie… je n’ai pas utilisé ansible pour l’installation car cela ne fonctionnait pas avec des containers LXC via Proxmox.
C’est pour ça que je suis passé via le script d’installation:

Donc je vais tenter de reprendre le tuto officiel qui est pour moi peut comprensible car il induit le fait de connaitre “Ansible” avant sont installation, mais bon, je vais mis mettre.

Donc c’est repartie pour une installation via ce lien…
link 2

dans ce manuel, il aurait été intéressant de modifier le point 5 pour expliciter le fichier mais bon, je suis peux être vexé de ne pas y être arrivé du premier coup :smiley: .

Quoi qu’il en soit, j’ai hâte de voir ton tutoriel et bon courage pour ça création.

Je pense que je reviendrai avec des questions sur le paramétrage de WAZO et d’OVH.

I too am installing Wazo on Proxmox (v6.1 which uses Debian 10). I am not using containers, I am using a VM instead. I found the Containers used the Proxmox version of Debian 10 which did not necessarily provide the required libraries needed by Wazo (and some other installations I’ve been using) so I setup a VM, installed base Debian 10 and ran the ansible script on that.

I personally did not want the thin LVs in Proxmox which are used by defualt now, since I did not want to have to worry about one virtual server causing issues with another, so I removed the initial thin LV and am only using thick LVs. A bit of old school but safer in my mind.

So far so good.

Just a lot to work through and in an attempt to re-do things so I understood the sequence better, I am left with Wazo thinking a device is installed when it is not and I cannot yet figure out how to undo that.

But progress is being made … :slightly_smiling_face:


It seems we are going on a similar journey and if so, are you interested in sharing information?

I am doing everything with the web interface on Wazo. How about you?

I have an instruction manual I am creating and I have documented - which I can share with you if you wnat to give me a way to send it to you :

  • the installation of Proxmox with three VMs, one of which holds Wazo
  • the installation of Wazo PBX with the web interface
  • the working configuration up to the point where I have 2 Aastra IP phones connected and configured, able to dial back and forth between the two

What I am now trying to figure out is

  • how to setup the trunks to my service provider (I have one hooked up and registered, but not sure I am doing it right)
  • how to route inbound calls
  • how to route outbound calls
  • how to connect a softphone (no device)

Interested in collaborating?

French (via Google Translate)

Il semble que nous fassions un voyage similaire et si oui, souhaitez-vous partager des informations?

Je fais tout avec l’interface web sur Wazo. Et vous?

J’ai un manuel d’instructions que je crée et que j’ai documenté - que je peux partager avec vous si vous souhaitez me donner un moyen de vous l’envoyer:

  • l’installation de Proxmox avec trois machines virtuelles, dont l’une contient Wazo
  • l’installation de Wazo PBX avec l’interface web
  • la configuration de travail jusqu’au point où j’ai 2 téléphones IP Aastra connectés et configurés, capables de faire des allers-retours entre les deux

Ce que j’essaie maintenant de comprendre, c’est

  • comment configurer les troncs à mon fournisseur de services (j’en ai un connecté et enregistré, mais je ne suis pas sûr de le faire correctement)
  • comment acheminer les appels entrants
  • comment acheminer les appels sortants
  • comment connecter un softphone (pas d’appareil)

Intéressé à collaborer?

  1. If it’s registered, then you probably have it right. We’ll see when you place calls :slight_smile:
  2. Go in the Incalls menu, add one Incall with:
  • Context / Extension = Incalls (if not present, go create it in the Advanced > Context menu) / the DID from your provider
  • Destination = User / the user you want to call with this DID
  1. Go to the Outcalls menu and add one Outcall with:
  • Trunk = your trunk

  • Add one routing entry with:

    • Context = Outcalls (if not present, go create it in Advanced > Contexts)
    • Extension = your outgoing pattern, like 555X. for numbers starting with 555 (note the dot at the end, meaning “zero or more X”, where X means “any digit”), or X. if you want to route anything that is not internal to your trunk, or XXXXXXXXXX for 10-digit numbers
  1. To connect a softphone:
  • Create a user, with an associated SIP line
  • Go to the Lines menu, note the Username and Secret
  • Configure your softphone with the line Username and Secret as SIP account, and your Wazo Platform hostname as SIP proxy/registrar.

Thank you for your reply - and for adding the Solution button in reply to the other posting.

I now have a softphone working. The one thing to be aware of, which I was not doing before, was that for a User with no Device, the line “name” has to be all numeric, NOT alphanumeric like I have used for the lines being used by users connecting via Devices. Once I changed the Line User for the softphone to all numeric, the connection was immediate.

As for the Trunks, InCall and Outcall

I have setup the Trunk, Incall and Outcall as defined in your post. But I did not know where to put the RegEx pattern for the outgoing call and I thought you needed to precede it with a _ to show it was a pattern, so that helped.

Unfortunately, no luck on any external calls: In or Out

A couple of quesitons:

  • I defined the Trunk with Incall context (I called the Incall from-extern and the Outcall to-extern). So how does this Trunk now work for Outgoing calls? I did slect the Trunk for the Outcall context.
  • For the User/Password in the Trunk, what am I supposed to use there? When I went to add the Trunk, it defaulted to root and root password. Am I supposed to leave that? If I leave it as root/rootpassword, all my trunks show in the Outcall selection dropdown as root, so I created my own User/Password and put it in there. But I don’t know how the system uses/accesses that.
  • Can you htink of anything in the additional settings for Trunk, Outcall, Incall, that I should be checking?
  • If I want to have a particular trunk used if a designated extension is making the call, is there a way to do that in the GUI or do I need to edit the asterisk code like I did before with Wazo-Xivo 18.03?

Thanks again; really appreciate your help.

If you want, once I get it working, I can send to you the installation document using Web GUI so you can post it for your other users.

Since this topic was about root password and has evolved well beyond that, I am moving to
for further interactions.

See the the additional follow-up there about getting trunks working with incall and outcall

Biensur que cela m’interesse de collaborrer avec vous.

Toutefois les parametrages SIP diffèrent d’un pays à l’autre mais cela risque d’etre très interessant.

Pour ma part, je suis aussi en proxmox 6.1 sur des platforme type “nuc”.
J’utilise un téléphone DECT Gigaset A530 IP avec 4 combinés.
i use pfsense for my firewall.

J’ai testé freepbx mais peux de personne les utilisent avec OVH et les context sont moin simple qu’avec XIVO…

Avec Xivo le problème est qu’il n’y a pas de communauté d’utilisateur et les problème sont difficilement resolvable alors… me voila sur Wazo :).

la prochaine étape sera l’utilisation d’un portier avec WAZO et ma domotique.

traduction :

Of course it interests me to collaborate with you.

However, the SIP settings differ from one country to another, but this is likely to be very interesting.

For my part, I am also in proxmox 6.1 on “nuc” type platforms.
I’m using a Gigaset A510 IP DECT phone with 4 handsets.
i use pfsense for my firewall.

I tested freepbx but few people can use them with OVH and the context is less simple than with XIVO …

With Xivo the problem is that there is no user community and the problems are difficult to solve so … here I am on Wazo :).

the next step will be the use of a doorman with WAZO and my home automation.

Ok the install with ansible work great.
Now, let’s got to configuration!

Hi, I’m really interested to perform good basic documentation about the topics that you are writing. Please let me know if you are still interested.