WebRTC configuration in clients

I intended to use the Wazo WebRTC using other clients than the Wazo WebRTC demo. I’ve used the Wazo WebRTC demo and it works perfectly. Now, I want to use WebRTC clients such as chrome extension. Unfortunately. after configuring the client it connects to the server but the always shows unregistered status. The client configurations are as below:
Auth user: Wazo user name (I tested both the line user name and user’s one)
SIP password: Wazo user password (I tested both the line password and user’s one)
SIP server: Wazo domain name
WSS/Proxy server: wss://{wazo_domain_name}:5080
It would be appreciated if you help me with how to solve this problem. Thanks a million


What’s the webrtc client are you using? Your websocket address seems not good for me.

Dear @quintana
I use SIP Phone in chrome. Using the configuration provided I couldn’t register to the server.
I use the Wazo IP address as wss:// as the WebSocket address.


I don’t understand where did you find this url? There is no 5080 on wazo. I installed the plugin and it works with the good configuration. The wss url is wss://your_server/api/asterisk/ws


Dear @quintana
Thanks a million for your kind guidance. It works perfectly. I’m sorry for my mistakes.

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