Parking calls = Unavailable - DTMF Transfer + Slots

I am trying to use the Web UI to setup Parked calls.

I have created the Parking Lot within the range of the Internal Context.

But I cannot get calls to transfer to the Parking Lot.

In Wazo 18.1, I had a note that said to use Park, Page or Pickup, I had to enable “dtmf transfer” by going to
Services -> IPBX -> IPBX Settings -> Users -> Services -> Services (tab)
and Check Enable DTMF Transfers

I cannot find anywhere in Wazo 20.01 that I can Enable DTMF Transfers. Does anyone know where this is done or if it needs to be done in Wazo 20.01?

I also tried just manually using the txfr button on my Aastra to transfer the call directly to the Parking extension but that gave me the “Unavailable” error message. I did succecssfully manually transfer a call to another extension so the txfr button is working.

I think I have the Parking Lot setup properly:
Name: MyParkingLot
Extension: {extension number within the Internal Context}
Slots Start: 1
Slots End: 5
Music On Hold: {my MoH_set}
Timeout: 30

If you see something wrong with this, please let me know.

I assume I start the Slots at 1 and end the Slots at a number that I expect will handle the max number of concurrent calls parked. Is this correct?

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