Just to not lose discussion on our Mattermost.
Add a subroutine to your conference
Add dialplan on /etc/asterisk/extensions_extra.d/check_pin.conf:
WARNING: change/adapt the NODERED_URL to yours in the dialplan.
exten = s,1,Noop(Conference)
same = n,Read(PIN,vm-password,4)
same = n,Set(NODERED_URL=http://your.node.red/pin)
same = n,GoSub(get-via-curl,s,1(${NODERED_URL},${PIN}))
same = n,GotoIf($[${CURL_RESPONSE} != 200]?hangup)
same = n,Return()
same = n(hangup),Playback(vm-goodbye)
same = n,Hangup()
exten = s,1,NoOp(Get info via CURL)
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(ssl_verifypeer)=0)
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(header)=1)
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(httptimeout)=10)
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(httpheader)=X_CHANNEL_ID:${CHANNEL(uniqueid)})
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(httpheader)=X_EXTEN:${WAZO_ENTRY_EXTEN})
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(httpheader)=X_CALLERID:${CALLERID(num)})
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(httpheader)=X_WAZO_DATA:${ARG2})
same = n,Set(CURLOPT(useragent)=wazo)
same = n,Set(CURL_RESULT=${CURL(${ARG1})})
same = n,Return()
Reload asterisk dialplan:
asterisk -rx 'dialplan reload'
Add to your node-red this node:
HTTP node:
The CHECK PIN function is:
const callerid = msg.req.headers.x_callerid;
const channel_id = msg.req.headers.x_channel_id;
const exten = msg.req.headers.exten;
const pin = msg.req.headers.x_wazo_data;
if (pin == '1234') {
return [msg,null]
return [null,msg];
Now you can enhanced this feature by yourself. Feedback are welcome