I just tried to run
wazo-upgrade -d
from the CLI of my wazo installation (as root)
The download part worked just fine, but when I tried to run the actual upgrade, I got the message back
ERROR: You must configure Wazo by running the wizard (POST /api/confd/1.1/wizard) before using wazo-upgrade
I am not sure how to follow these instructions and I do not know why I am being asked to do this.
This Wazo installation has been working since 18.03 and continuously upgraded (until now) with
wazo-upgrade -d
I am on Debian 10 running as a virtual instance under Proxmox (v 6.4). Wazo (version 22.13) is the only application on this instance.
I have root access.
I saw only one other post on the forums with this Error message
but it seems to be assoicated with a recent installation of the LetsEncrypt certificate which I have NOT done and, when I see a quote from Sylvain ( @quintana ) saying
Wow, your solution scares me! This is clearly not normal.
I am NOT tempted to follow that solution. And the original author of that post came back later to say his solution did not solve all his problems.
I did try running, from my browser
https://{IP address of Wazo server}:443/api/confd/1.1/wizard
but that just sat there with the message:
fetching resource list: https://{IP address of Wazo server}:443/api/confd/1.1/wizard; Please wait.
Can someone give me guidance on what I need to do?
Please be specific; I do not usually work with APIs. I usually do everything via the Wazo GUI.