I have found an odd “bug” perhaps unless I am misunderstanding something. When I set caller IDs on outcall trunks, regardless of what is entered, what is actually sent out is the originating extension number. For instance, I think I’m calling with an 11-digit number, but it is sending out the three-digit extension. But I found a way around it … if you number your extension to a ten-digit number, then it will send not that number, but the correct outcall ID number. I have no idea what causes this behavior and if it affects only the web GUI (as I was not using the API) or what. But anyhow, using 10-digit extensions makes it all work perfectly.
I have a similar problem. check your outcall extensions, there is a field Caller ID for each that override trunk setting.
Where do you set the caller ID on outcall trunks ?
I set in the only field there is that I’m aware of (on the web gui) … there is context, extension, callerid, external prefix, prefix, and strip digits. There is only one place to put callerid in my version. So putting it there does work, it’s just for some weird reason having internal extensions set to 3 digits sends “500” to the trunk instead of what is entered in the outcall extension, UNLESS the internal extension number is 10 digits and then it will send whatever is there just as it is supposed to.
don’t know if it helps :
- for each users there is also a “Outgoing caller ID” that can override the callerid in extensions setting.
- Outcall / “internal caller id” checkbox
Really I don’t know where I can set a default callerid for all outcall extensions… Tried “callerid” in Trunk/Endpoint and it just does not work. I had to put a callerid in each externsions and/or user setting.
Thanks for that info … yes I was unaware that setting the extension callerid would override the outgoing number. But, what I still can’t figure out, is how setting the extension number to ten digits (maybe other numbers of digits would work, that’s just what I tried) makes it behave as it is SUPPOSED to … i.e., the outcall callerid for whatever outcall extension is being used it actually sent. Setting the user’s callerid and line number to ten digits doesn’t actually send that particular number, but the number specified in outcall. That’s what I find so odd.
hi guys, does this help ?
yes I can confirm this config works with OVH. Indeed that do not state how to set a default caller id at the trunk level.