March 25, 2021, 9:12am
Je voudrait forcer un utilisateur à passer par le même provider pour les appels extérieurs. Je pense surcharger l’extension appelée mais je ne vois pas d’où appeler une routine du type
exten => s,1, Set(XIVO_DSTNUM=88${XIVO_DSTNUM})
Sinon, j’ai essayé de forcer le trunk avec la routine suivante appelée depuis Outcall, mais wazo n’en tiend pas compte
same => n,ExecIf($["{XIVO_SRCNUM}" == “150”]?Set(TRUNKEXTEN=${XIVO_DSTNUM})@trunk_CommPeak)
Avez-vous des suggestions
March 25, 2021, 10:02am
J’ai aussi essayé en utilisant
exten => s,1,NoOp(Subroutine to force calls from Catherine to go through IPPI trunks if destination is +33X ou 0X)
same = n,NoOp(Source num : {XIVO_SRCNUM})
same = n,ExecIf( ["{XIVO_SRCNUM}"=“150”]?Set(XIVO_DSTNUM=88${XIVO_DSTNUM}))
same = n,Return()
Francais via Google Translate
Avez-vous regardé
I am posting this as a solution, rather than a question, but if anyone has any feedback about this being likely to cause problems or if anyone has a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, PLEASE provide feedback.
In Wazo v18 there was no provision to direct calls from an specified extension out a specified trunk. This is needed if you have satellite locations on your system where they are dialling from a physical street address other than the default physical street address which was…
Vous pouvez l’utiliser comme modèle pour faire ce que vous voulez.
Have you looked at
I am posting this as a solution, rather than a question, but if anyone has any feedback about this being likely to cause problems or if anyone has a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, PLEASE provide feedback.
In Wazo v18 there was no provision to direct calls from an specified extension out a specified trunk. This is needed if you have satellite locations on your system where they are dialling from a physical street address other than the default physical street address which was…
You could use that as a template to do what you want.
March 9, 2022, 3:07pm
Sur un outbound call subroutine, j’ai réussi de mon côté a forcer le trunk via une ligne de ce type dans un dialplan :
Reste à définir sous quelle condition tu réalise cet ajustement.
Autrement la procédure en graphique dans les réponses précédentes fera aussi le boulot.