I get "unauthorized-tentant" when I try to create a user


I created a new tenant through the API, which was successful.

I then try to create a new user on that tenant, but I get an error “unauthorized-tenant”.

Is there something I am supposed to do on the tenant, before users can be created under it?

Hello, did you pass the tenant uuid where you want to create user in the header. It’s Wazo-Tenant: <tenant_uuid>

Yes I did. Wazo-Tenant is in header.

With the good tenant uuid? Maybe the token don’t have the permission to make action in this tenant? What’s the ACL?

Thanks for the response @quintana

The token has permission to create users and do a lot of other things (I created the token with the root user). But how do I make sure the token has permission to make action on the newly created tenant?

Also remember the tenant is a new tenant, is it really has nothing.

The ACLs is not bind to a specific tenant for a root token.