Configuration problem to make outbound call work

To resume here, the issue come from the configuration with the unyc trunk. You need to use an outbound proxy and some specific configuration. Your provider needs to give you this kind of information, it’s not magic ;). I know this provider so i give you some pointers, but in the pcap we see the INVITE is going to unyc but there is not answer. So in general it’s firewall or bad configuration. Also check if the port is 5060 or other port and ask more information to your provider to be sure you have the good configuration to use it.

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Hello, thanks you for your answer.
I just opened a ticket to my provider.
I will recheck my configuration.
When you said I need to use an outbound proxy are you talking about the register part ?
I am asking you this because I already configured outbound proxy on endpoint and AOR part.
I come back to you if I have others questions or if I found the solution.
Have a nice day and thank you for the time you took for my issue.

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Thank you for your help !
I finally did it there is my final configuration :


Authentication :

Endpoint :

Identifier :

Register :

Outbound auth register and outbound auth :

I had some miss configuration at endpoint configuration so I edited them @quintana helped me a lot with this link :

I recommend you to check for you provider in this github and check body.json and variables.json to help you with the correct configuration to do.

Have a nice day guys and thank you for your answers.
I hope my answer could help others too !