Basic Wazo functionality to start from

Dear community members,
I’m excited to share that Wazo has been successfully installed on one of our servers and is now up and running smoothly.

I am reaching out with a humble request for assistance. As I navigate through Wazo, I find myself in need of guidance on specific tasks. Would anyone be able to provide or direct me to a tutorial or guide that covers the following:

  1. Creating two users within the system.
  2. Assigning unique numbers to each user. i.e. Phone No.
  3. Configuring these users to log in.
  4. Enabling these users to utilize Wazo for voice calls, chats, meetings, or video calls.

I am eager to learn and have made some progress. However, I’ve encountered challenges with certain configurations and concepts. While I’ve managed to create one context and set up two users, I’m currently struggling to enable their login functionality/ giving them numbers…etc

If anyone could spare the time to share a step-by-step guide or direct me to appropriate resources, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your support and guidance.


check out this page :

there are a few links which can help you

Thank you for the time and giving my post an opportunity.
I still couldnt configure it the way I intend.
I’ve been tinkering around. I couldnt even get the users to login.
I have this feeling that only admin can login. but not the standard users. I literally lost.
I am pretty sure im missing something but its right infront of my eyes :frowning:


i tried to help you in this topic:

to go further, you can post screen capture or more details.


Thank you for your time and attention.
im still trying… cannot login user though.

here is the when i key-in the llogin details:

This is the error message:


I always said that an user (wich is not an administrator) can NOT connect to the wazo-ui interface.

You can connect on the wazo-webrtc-demo

at least, you can try on this app:

the last one ( is my own development and is not the final release.
It get some unfinished fonctionalities, bugs, and more.
It will be shutdown in a near future.

the final version of wazophone is actually limited to specific servers and is not open (and also have been renamed).


the user must NOT be in the master tenant
the user must have a sip line

Wow…thank you very much for your patience and guidance.
I can login now through the webrtc extension. I am getting somewhere :grin: :heart_eyes:

Both of my users are able to login.
how to make them call each other.
Can they make a call if one user dial the these numbers?

here is what i did:

  1. I logged in both users on different machines.
  2. dial the number in the code.
    I get call ended message

an user line is named Extension

i see none of your users have a extension.

to create extensions, you must have a context.

go to “avanced” / “contexts”
you should have a context.
Select it, and edit it

in the user tab, add a range for yours internals phone numbers

then go to “user Managemen” / “users”
edit your user to add him a line, eg:

now, the user is callable with the extension 1008 in my example.

cheers !

I hitting another pump.
I have 2 contexts created as can seen below

whenever I try to create an extension im getting this error:

read it again !
