SSl (Certificate Validation)

Hi There:
I am developing a softphone using react native with the help of GitHub - wazo-platform/wazo-react-native-demo: A simple demonstration of Wazo's SDK with React Native this wazo demo project.
When I tried to hit the

try {     
  session = await Wazo.Auth.logIn("root", "sri55533");
} catch (e) {

session = await Wazo.Auth.logIn(“root”, “sri55533”);

API responds with a catch error that

LOG Err [TypeError: Network request failed]

While debugging it in the network, the results are

What might have gone wrong, and how to resolve it?
I also added a self-signed SSL certificate but it does not work


I use VirtualBox to have a Wazo platform server, for test and dev.

I have a web app, using quite the same code for auth.

I start my Wazo server, i start my dev app.

When i try to log to my web app (with chrome), i got:

then, i open a new tab in chrome, go to the wazo ip server address:

Then click on “avanced parameters”, then,

i click “continue to the website”

i go back to my dev app, and tada, auth is working !

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Hi there:

Sorry for creating multiple topics!!!.
Anyway, thanks for your reply😊

This article helps me to overcome the issue of SSL validation in my app.

It’s not possible to have websocket connexion without a valid certificate.